The 2014 Year in NES Homebrew – T*Gun


Developed by 64KB Games

T*Gun is a NES shmup released this year and only distributed at the gaming convention TooManyGames in extremely limited quantities. While I wasn’t able to snag a copy myself, I was able to play a friends copy this year.

Overall, the game is not too bad for a homebrew shmup released on an 8-bit console. While it should be noted that the lack of sprite flicker is notable and causes some enemies to seeming disappear, T*Gun is still pretty fun. Being able to change shots on the fly is very valuable and helpful when enemies approach from the bottom. Having two player cooperative play is a very nice tough, however if both players aren’t of the same skill, it can be a very one sided affair.

I really feel that this game could have benefited from some thorough beta testing and it would have really shined. Being that T*Gun was only released at the gaming convention, a lot of resellers got a hold of it, which is unfortunate. I would really like to get a copy of it as I am always a fan of shmups. Only time will tell if I snag a copy….

Check out T*Gun in action!

Link to Buy (Limited Run Only Sold at TooManyGames)


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